Running the tests

This package uses unit tests and doc tests.


Documentation tests use an identation size of 2


If you are using a virtual environment, it should be activated before running the following code blocks.


Dependencies (and test dependencies) are set in the, and installed when the package gets installed (or when the tests are executed for test dependencies).

Running tests using setuptools

The test collector used in is the script uses the nose test runner to run tests.


Documentation tests are collected as a single unit test !

  • nose tests can be disabled using NO_NOSE_TESTS=1
  • doctests can be disabled using NO_SPHINX_TESTS=1.


The following command does not need any dependency to be installed beforehand, as they will be installed (as Python eggs, in the working directory) by setuptools automatically. However, you may want to install them yourself before running the tests (to avoid polluting your working directory with the Python eggs built by setuptools) by using pip, in that case use pip install -r tests/requirements.txt.

python test

Running tests manually


To run the tests manually, needed dependencies (pip install -r tests/requirements.txt) have to be available in the environment.


To run the tests manually, the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable must be set to tests.settings, or to a valid settings module. (export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.settings)

Nose tests

To run nosetests (they include the doctests), use :


Documentation tests

To run doctests manually, use :

sphinx-build -E -c docs -b html -a docs var/docs_doctests

Code coverage

Coverage report is automatically executed while running nose tests. nosetests prints a basic coverage report, and the HTML coverage report is generated in vars/coverage_html.

Coverage reports can also be seen at

Call graphs

If you install pycallgraph (pip install pycallgraph), you can use it to trace call graphs of the executed code. Sadly, it does not work with nosetests, but it’s very easy to use it manually, for specific tests :

echo "
import tests.integration.test_routers as tests
case = tests.RouterTestCase()
" | pycallgraph -I django_crucrudile\* graphviz -- /dev/stdin

The call graph will be written to pycallgraph.png.


pycallgraph may need GraphViz and pydot to be installed (a Python 3 compatible version. At this date, it is available in